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PVDF (70%) solid fluorocarbon coating - put on a gorgeous coat for buildings - put on a gorgeous coat for buildings

Update time:2023-7-10   Click:313次
With the rapid development of China's economy, the construction industry has also entered a period of rapid development. In today's world of towering buildings, more and more buildings are presenting diversity and personalization. The emergence of curtain walls endows new era architecture with diversity.
There are many types of curtain walls, including glass curtain walls, artificial panel curtain walls, aluminum curtain walls, etc; Today we will talk about aluminum curtain walls. In recent years, aluminum curtain walls have advantages in the use of building curtain walls due to their lightweight and environmentally friendly characteristics, and their simple installation has been accepted by the industry, making them the main force of new curtain wall decoration materials.
Aluminum curtain walls have great advantages in the field of architecture, but there are also some difficulties. Due to long-term exposure to sunlight outdoors, weather resistance has become one of the difficulties for aluminum curtain walls!
PVDF (70%) solid fluorocarbon coating can effectively solve the weather resistance difficulties of aluminum curtain walls. PVDF solid fluorocarbon coating is a solid fluorocarbon (PVDF) powder coating prepared strictly in accordance with national standards (70% of the resin is PVDF) by adding acrylic solid resin, pigments, accessories, and other components on the basis of fluororesin. Its main feature is that it has excellent adhesion and bonding ability with the substrate, which can protect the product material, and has excellent outdoor weather resistance and anti-corrosion performance, making the aluminum curtain wall use for more than 20 years.
At the same time, PVDF solid fluorocarbon powder coating has also developed a series of stone like scattering points to meet the personalized needs of aluminum curtain walls.


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